Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Operation: Bagel Shop

Being home with the fam-bam is great and all, but there are really only so many times that I can answer the question: "And what do you plan to do in the future?"

Graham and Bethany find themselves in a similar conundrum. I guess people don't really understand what people in an acting program intend on doing for the rest of their lives. I always thought it was kind of obvious what they wanted to do. Hence their major.

Anyway, since the three of us are sick of being pestered, we have decided that we're going to open a bagel shop. Graham will make our bagels, Bethany will clean, I will write catchy advertisement jingles and be the resident author.

And we will become billionaires. Just you wait.

1 comment:

  1. Can I be the resident psychologist person that talks to the people about all their problems?
