Monday, December 6, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon

It seems blogging has become the family epidemic and apparently my technologically illiterate padre believes that every writer needs a blog (advice, as far as I can tell, that he has failed to take for himself). Alas, we still love him. So, I am shamelessly jumping on this family-filled bandwagon for an assortment of reasons.

First and foremost being the procrastination benefit. There's nothing like the impending doom of finals week to make me want to push off all my homework (including those two papers due this week) until the very last minute. Usually, I scour the library and find a new book to read, but the book I wanted is checked out and I'm waiting for the book I ordered (after much tribulation) to arrive in the mail.

Second, blogging is trendy right? This is supposedly a way to boost my nonexistent career as a writer. One day, maybe people (other than my highly esteemed family and friends) might care what I have to say. And in my fantasy life, I have a horde of adoring fans who eagerly await the latest post, craving for some tidbit about my next great novel. I'm very well respected in my fantasy life. After all, in a parallel universe, I am probably already a highly acclaimed writer with scores of fans who write tribute poetry about my wordy prowress. Why not make that universe this universe?

Those are really all the reasons I have. Although, I suppose my post-novel writing month depression counts as a reason. I slogged out a hundred seventy paged novel in the month of November and I miss it. I'm currently editing it, but some of the rush is gone. I need something to fill the void.

As blogs about single people aren't nearly as endearing as blogs about married couples with adorable children, I hardly expect this to be a smashing hit, but I fully intend to enjoy myself. After all, if I write to please myself, then I know I have satisified at least one person.


  1. You already have one adoring fan to add to your real life, even though technically i am part of your family/friends. love you!

  2. I will wait with baited breath for your next installment. And if you want I will change my name so that no one knows that I am your mother. I could go by some artistic name...if I could think of one....or maybe...just maybe... I will post as David Andrews. Hee! Then you will have a DDG fan to stalk you.

  3. YAY! I am excited to hear more about your endearing single life, I get too much of those adorable children :)
