Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You know that thing...

So, remember all those times you opted out of going to a cool party because you had a paper and five million other assignments looming over you? And remember how you had this really great plan to get everything done so that you'd still have time to sleep?

And remember when you abandoned your plan and spent three hours watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on netflix instead?

Yeah, bad idea.

With the last day of class looming before me in a a few hours (and by a few I mean 9 and a half, but I feel a surge of melodrama overtaking me)I still have that paper to finish and those readig journals to catch up on. On the bright side (there's always a bright side . . . or at the very least a less dim side--sometimes bright sides are more like a dull metallic-y side, but dull metallic-y has the potential to reflect light and be bright so it's not that bad--but in this case, this is a legitimate bright side)tomorrow is the last day of class this semester and it does mark the week countdown until I get to go home and hang out with my super rad family for two+ weeks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Finals are the WORST! There's nothing like already being burnt out and then getting slammed with more work, worth more points than anything else, in such a short time. I'm pretty sure my finals were always the worst grade of the semester - not because I didn't learn/remember anything. Because by that time I just didn't care! Good thing I'm super smart and a bad final still gave me an A - haha ;)
