Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is the Problem

So, this is the problem with being Mormon: you don't know how to conclude any sort of oral presentation without the words "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I can't very well end my paper presentation that way tomorrow, can I? I wish I could, though, because my conclusion in the actual paper is dreadful.

Public speaking is not a problem for me. I've been speaking in front of audiences since I was in primary. As long as I have some sort of outline, I can handle myself. I just have no idea how to conclude without bearing my testimony or simply saying "the end." Neither of which, I imagine, will get me very far in this class.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you can find some clever way to tie it back to the beginning. But, if you slip up and say in Jesus name, Amen, at least you're at BYU. Although probably sacrilegious, I would think it would make some people chuckle.
