Sunday, December 12, 2010

Twas the Night Before Finals

So this is what happens to me during finals week: I go to extreme lengths to not study when I should. I've already put in a good deal of work this semester, and it seems unfair to expect me to do more. This semester's exteme procrastination stunt: poetry parodies.

And with no further ado, I present: The Night Before Finals

Twas the night before finals and all around campus
All students were learning and their skin was all damp-us.
The books were spread on the table all over
In hopes that these finals soon would be over.

The students were tired, their heads in their books
With visions of straight A’s from classes forsook.
And boys with computers and girls with their pens
Prepared for all-nighters and prayed the week would soon end.

When down in the library there rose such a clatter
One tired student went to see what’s the matter.
Away from his desk he flew like a flash
And tore through the shelves and the books he did bash.

The student on the stairs of the campus library
Sought for the source of his noisy quarry.
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But some buckets of ice-cream that made his eyes tear.

With a big tub of sprinkles, so colored and bright,
He knew in a moment this would be a delight.
More rapid than eagles his friends they did come
After he texted and messaged about this great fun.

“There’s chocolate! There’s sprinkles! There’s toppings galore!
There’s ice-cream a-plenty, who could want more?
To the shelves of the libr’ry! To the book-covered walls!
Now come join me! Come join me! Come join me all!”

As small ants that scurry to a picnic so big
So did these students come to eat like a pig.
Down to the library these students they ran
With their books abandoned and cell phones in hand.

And then, in a twinkling, they heard in the stacks
The sound of their teachers munching on snacks!
They stared in amazement, in wonder and awe
As professors devoured all the food that they saw.

Teachers were dressed in bathrobes and slippers
And one even came with shiny nail clippers.
Unfinished tests sat in great piles
And the ungraded papers went on for miles.

Their faces—how flushed when the students they saw
Their cheeks were like roses while on food they did gnaw.
The whites of their eyes looked like fresh driven snow
And they hoped they wouldn’t see a student they’d know.

The teachers, they knew that their secret was out
That even for them finals still made them pout.
The students they smiled, they snickered and grinned
And they knew that their finals would not be so grim.

Their teachers were impish and a little embarrassed
To be caught with their snacks, so unaware-ssed.
A wink of their eyes and a twist of their heads
Let the students know they had nothing to dread.

Teachers and students—they spoke not a word
But each filled their plates with seconds and thirds.
Quietly retreating, their bellies now full
Students and teachers tried to look cool.

The students retreated and the teachers as well
Back to their books, all feeling quite swell.
And one tired student knew as he read
That all of his stress was just in his head.

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