Friday, January 7, 2011

Exit Strategy

I've (barely) survived the first week of classes, which has been rife with familiar faces and unfamiliar situations. I'm already behind on my readings (which is mainly to do with the fact that I missed my Tuesday class on account of being out of the state) but that little bit of pressure is healthy, right?

Or maybe not.

Honestly, though, right now my biggest stress is my new creative writing course, taught by one of the (if not the) most successful new sf/f writers in the last decade. And you want to know why it's the biggest stress? Not because I have to submit my own humble writings to a New York Times bestseller (although that certainly doesn't help), but because I have to figure out how to navigate LiveJournal.

And LiveJournal, I'm discovering, is rapidly becoming one of the most convoluted online anythings that currently exists. I have finally mastered the art of restricting my journal to friend-only viewing, and I'm starting to get the hang of adding friends (id est the other students in my weekly workshop group), but I can't even figure out how to check my LJ email. You'd think it'd be simple, but it's not. Facepalm.

But hey, at least I'm in the class. When I arrived last night, there was a crowd of people around the door and people sitting on the floor in all directions with every desk full. Becase I was actually in the class, some poor soul vacated his desk for me. All those milling around had to put their name in a hat and were selected at random for the chance to audit the class. Holy. Cow. Ten more awesome points for my kindly old (as in former, not as in aged) RA who signed up for the class for me.

And what, you may ask yourself at this point, does this have to do with the title of this post?

Absolutely nothing. I just thought Exit Strategy sounded good and wanted to use it.

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