Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End is in Sight

Spring term is (finally) approaching its end. It's terminating, desisting, ending. For those of you unfamiliar with BYU's attempt to maximize student stress, immediately following winter semester is spring term. The spring and summer term are each 7 weeks long and in it you cover all the material you'd cover in a 14-week long semester. So yeah, it gets pretty hectic.

I made the beautiful mistake of taking two classes that are very project heavy. My editing class has multiple homework assignments every night and an assortment of editing-related projects. In print publishing, we play around on the computer four days a week and learn how to design flyers, booklets, and newsletters. We usually have a project proposal or a final project due about every five days. That's on top of all the homework exercises, which are designed to make sure you haven't forgotten how to do what you learned to do in class.

Now don't get me wrong. These classes have been great. I've made some awesome friends, I've gathered some wonderful stories about old ladies returning to school, and I've learned practical things that will get me a job (unlike the things I learn in my major classes).

But I'm ready to be done.

Which is why I was so happy when my supervisor at work sent out our schedule for summer term. I'm not taking classes in summer and I have twenty hours of work a week. I have two days (besides Sunday) where I don't have to be in at work at all, and my only morning shift is on the one day we open later.

My mind hasn't really figured out what I'm supposed to do with all the time I won't be at work, because right now, when I'm not at work, I'm (1) in class, (2) doing homework, (3) coming up with reasons not to do my homework--like watching netflix, reading books, or blogging! As of right now, this is my plan for the summer: read in the mornings (preferably under a shady tree where attractive men--the real life versions of David Andrews--can come find me), work in the afternoons (on the days I have work), write (like a maniac), crash the occasional ward activity, watch movies, write some more (maniac, remember?), and maybe do the occasional bit of editing as it comes my way.

The end of the Spring term of crazy projects is coming to an end and the summer term of basking and relaxing is preparing to commence!

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