Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Perhaps I'm Wrong

Because the first of the month is coming up, I figured I probably had to pay my rent soon. So I checked my email, expecting to see some sort of bill or statement, as I received every month when I lived at my old apartment complex. When I couldn't find any hint of a bill or statement (or even a friendly reminder), I checked my "resident portal" on my management's website. Again, no bill, no statement, no post saying "hey, this is how much you owe."

Upon further digging, I found an email in my spam box from nearly two weeks ago. My manager told me that they hadn't received my rent and I needed to pay it. My rent for May was due at the beginning of the month.

Now, perhaps I'm wrong, but I would think that if one of your residents goes a month without paying rent, you would send more than one email--especially if it's a new resident and may not be entirely familiar with rent paying protocol.

Further more, I would think it a standard procedure to inform your residents that a payment is coming up and how much they know. I know how much I'm supposed to pay a month, and I know (now) when it's due, but I don't think it's ENTIRELY my responsibility to be on top of that. As the managers of several apartment complexes, they want their residents to pay their rent, right? Am I completely off my rocker or does it make sense for them to send out some kind of notification (especially if one of their tenants doesn't pay rent for a month)?

And maybe they expect me to be a responsible adult and be right on top of every payment, but, you know, the bank still sends my parents bills for their mortgages and whatever adult-bills they have, and my parents are responsible adults. BYU sends me hordes of notifications regarding any sort of activity on my school financial account--even if it's just to tell me they sent me a message telling me I didn't qualify for a scholarship.

I would think, the very least they could do would be to post the charge on my resident portal so when I log on, I can see a list of things I need to pay so I can actually pay them.

Furthermore, I dropped off a check and a signed contract for the place I'm living in the fall over a week ago, and the money still hasn't been taken out of my account. It's just kind of aggravating. I want to pay my rent. I want to be honest and give people the money I promised I'd give them--and I'm getting pretty irritated because they're making it so bleeding difficult for me.

Sorry for the rant. That is all.

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