Monday, May 9, 2011

Adventures in Township

A few weeks ago, I moved into a new apartment. So far, things have been pretty good and my only real hold up has been my shyness, which seems to have gotten worse over the last two years. Not fair.

Anyway, I live in this sweet new place with a fireplace and comfy, comfy couches and a full-sized oven/stove, real carpet (not that stuff that all the church buildings use), and actual walls with dry wall instead of cinder block. OH! How could I forget to mention my GIANT washer dryer??? No more paying through the nose to wash my clothes! (And no, I did not intentionally rhyme that.)

Of course, there are some little things that annoy me--like how you have to turn all the door knobs counter-clockwise to open anything. Yeah, that's kind of weird. But little things can be overlooked by the sheer awesomeness that is a washer/dryer.

My roommate, thus far, has seemed pretty chill. She's usually not home when I am, and when we are home at the same time she's either watching TV in the living room while I'm in my bedroom or she's asleep (and snoring SUPER loud), in which case I sprawl over the comfy-comfy couches and do some reading, writing, homeworking etc.

But I have recently become concerned that my roommate might be using my toothbrush. When I moved in, I checked the bathroom drawers to see where her stuff was so I would know not to put my stuff there. I was a little surprised to find nothing in either of the drawers, but there was a blow dryer and a hair straightener in the left-hand cabinet, so I assumed that half was hers. Accordingly I moved my stuff into the right-hand side. I figured she probably just kept her bathroom stuff in her room. I don't know why she'd do that, but we all have our quirks.

Now yesterday afternoon, I went to ask her what time ward prayer was at, and she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. The toothbrush looked a lot like mine, but it's not like I own a one-of-a-kind toothbrush. I don't even think they make those. So I just kind of shrugged it off. I went to ward prayer, came home and had dinner, watched some Doctor Who on Netflix, then brushed my teeth and went to bed. In the morning when I woke up, though, I was curious. While I waited for the water in the shower to heat up, I picked up my toothbrush.

The bristles were wet.

Nine hours after I last used my toothbrush, my bristles were still wet?

It's sketchy to say the least. For all concerned citizens watching, please know that my toothbrush has been moved into protective custody and will soon be retired due to sanitation codes. (I needed a new one soon anyway.) However, I may be conducting several experiments to see for certain what's been done to my poor toothbrush.

Also, when I got out of the shower, I stepped in a LARGE wad of my roommates hair. Large as in it could have passed as a balding rat.


  1. Definately time for a new toothbrush... and maybe a meeting on personal hygeine? ew ew ew..

  2. Ha! This is so gross! I noticed a my own tooth brush was wet a few months back when it shouldn't have been, turns out it was Dominic. That was gross enough for me and he's my son (and 3 by the way). Why would a grow person use someone else's toothbrush?!? Yuck!

  3. ...That is just plain wrong. Sick and wrong.
