Friday, October 14, 2011

Not Quite the Same...

As you can see, I've made some aesthetic changes to my blog (though I will be the first to admit I'm not quite as handy with blog design as my favorite sister-in-law is). And I like the changes. It's very fall-y.

But there's a problem. There are some aspects of the design I'm just not too chuffed about. The spacing between the letters on the headers and titles, the size of the header at the top, etc. Just things like that. And this wouldn't be a problem at all only I've been exposed to InDesign.

InDesign is a magical adobe layout program in which I could change the spacing between the letters and the sizes of my boxes. I had five million fonts to chose from and I had actual font families with designed bold-face and italic text (not what everyone thinks is bold-face and italic). InDesign spoiled me when I'm designing things, and now it's just not the same...

1 comment:

  1. I very much like the changes you have made! You can choose which fonts you want, they don't have to stay the same if you go to the design tab from the dashboard area and then the advanced area. you can choose all sorts of fonts and the sizes that want them to be.
