Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's been a while and I never did finish my "what I learned from Harry Potter" series, but I have something to whine about so I'm going to do it here.

On Saturday, I lost my iPod touch. Like really completely lost it. It was sucked into a wormhole and now is gone for good.

On Sunday, I emailed myself, hoping perhaps a kindly Samaritan would find my iPod, check the email to see who it belonged to, and would contact me.

On Monday I contacted the places I had been on Saturday to see if anyone had turned it in. I also spent an hour searching Brian's car, Tawny's place, and all the places I walked that day.

Today, I searched my apartment completely for it. No sign. I logged into my wireless router to see the client list, thinking if my iPod were in my apartment, it'd still be connected to the wireless and I would know it was here at least. No sign. I dug through my things to find the case the iPod came in so I could register it on Apple--only to discover that registering your iPod does absolutely nothing. If someone finds my iPod and thinks to call Apple with the serial number, then I'll get it back. But only then.

I got so desperate that I googled ways to find missing iPods. It turns out there are a tun of useful apps and programs you can download onto your iPod to track it down if it's lost...unfortunately, the only people who know about these programs are the ones who have since lost their iPods and now have no way of downloading said app/program. On the "report lost or stolen Apple product" all Apple tells you to do is contact local law enforcement and hope for the best. They don't even have somewhere where I can just say "yes, my iPod is missing" which (admittedly) wouldn't do anything, but it would make me feel like I was being proactive.

Now all I have is the agonizing feeling that comes with uncertainty. If I knew it had been stolen or I knew it had been run over by a car in my parking lot, I would feel loads better about this whole mess, but as it is now, I'm just really whiny and mildly depressed.

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