Monday, July 11, 2011

Life Lessons Day Four

Are you getting sick of these yet? Because I'm not. HA!

Lesson Five: You can learn something from everyone you meet, so pay attention!

This is just kind of a hodge-podge lesson. I believe there's something to be learned from every person who crosses your path in life (even if that lesson is you shouldn't be a jerk to people to have crappy jobs). So here are some individual mini-lessons from different Harry Potter characters.

Harry taught me how to keep fighting, even when the odds look grim.

Ron taught me that it's okay to admit you've made a mistake. You're friends will forgive you.

Hermione taught me to embrace my intelligence.

Fred and George taught me that you can make your career dreams come true if you try hard enough.

Dumbledore taught me that everyone deserves a second chance.

Lupin taught me that you can still be a good person even if crap things have happened to you.

Sirius showed me the values of loyalty and friendship.

Neville taught me that it's never too late to take a stand.

Snape taught me that love conquers all.

Bellatrix taught me how not to be a crazy psychopath.

Luna showed me how to love myself for who I am--quirks and all.

The Dursleys taught me how to not raise my future children.

Lily Potter taught me the importance of sacrifice.

There's really so much more and I could expound on everything I've written here a hundred-fold. But the long and short of this lesson is that everyone has something to offer you. I firmly believe that you can always learn something from the people you meet (or read about). Whether they help you or hurt you, there's a lesson there to be learned.


  1. I'm glad that someone taught how to not be a psychopath and that you don't intend to raise your children like the Dursleys raised Harry.

  2. Hey, where are days five six and seven?
